
Prayatna, while working on the thematics of livelihood, education, among other things, has also expanded its functions as an NGO for health care in India. With the belief that health care should be accessible to all, Prayatna has been working at the frontline to provide basic health care services by organising Health camps and Immunisation Campaigns. It has worked extensively on awareness drives around disease prevention programmes for Kala Azar, HIV, menstrual health and hygiene and adolescent health, nutrition, water and sanitation programmes establishing Prayatna as a public health NGO. It also runs a large Malaria program in the country with its partner Malaria No More USA.

Prayatna, as an NGO working for health care of poor children in India, and marginalised communities is running various programmes to improve access to quality health services. The NGO has been working at the community level to develop solutions and help implement quality healthcare services. We work with community groups, collaborate with Government departments and civil society groups to help in the improvement of health and nutrition systems particularly for the poor women and children.

Working as a public health NGO, the various areas of healthcare system delivery addressed by Prayatna include improving the quality of services for sanitation, cleanliness, vaccination, maternal and reproductive health, child health and nutrition. Apart from that,as an NGO working for healthcare of poor children in India,  we also run free medical camps in rural and semi-urban areas where they not only provide free treatments to the poor people but also educate them to quickly identify causes & symptoms of various communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Malaria No More

Healthcare Past Programmes