
Remedial classes have been a part of Prayatna since August 2011. Continuing the project, Prayatna till date provides free remedial classes to children from marginalized communities near Muzaffarpur.  

Board examinations are often considered a major milestone in any student’s learning journey. Keeping that in mind, the team conducts remedial classes aimed at supporting students in their learning journey, especially focusing on preparing for their board examinations. The team strives to help and equip the students with the knowledge and information needed to excel in the exams.  

Due to pandemic, the teaching mode in schools shifted to online mode which led to losing focus during online classes, missing classes and finally lagging behind. To help students cope up better with the new teaching methods, Prayatna organized more remedial classes for students to cope with their lag in learning following the COVID protocols, so that no student is left behind.