
Prayatna initiated the girl’s empowerment and environment education programme in Delhi and Noida. 300 girls in the age group of 10-18 yrs, from the areas of Mandawali, Hasanpur, Nawada and Khora were part of the programme. The programme is designed on the concept of ‘experiential learning’, where we used the sports for development (S4D) as a tool. The girls were taught life skills like communication skill, decision making, assertiveness, emotions and self-awareness.

The sessions helped these girls to build leadership qualities and break gender stereotypes. The project also included sessions on menstrual health and hygiene along with pad distribution in the communities. The community are a part of these sessions so that they can be a supporting pillar for these menstruating girls, and they are not prey to social stigmas and taboos.

Environmental education also featured in the sessions, where the girls were explained about what the environment is and what are the factors affecting environment, different kinds of pollution and how it damages the environment. The session on waste segregation contained information about different types of waste and how we can segregate our household waste.